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Week of roses

Week of roses

This offer will save you time to order and make an unforgettable gift. We will deliver three of the bouquet of roses for a week.

Monday - 11 white roses, on Wednesday - 25 pink roses on a Friday - 51 red roses.

At your request we can change the color of roses and day of delivery.

Сomposition: bouquet of 11 white roses, bouquet of 25 pink roses, a bouquet of 51 red roses.

An additional delivery fee may required for some destinations. We will contact you if it will be required.

SKU R1053
Old price: $435.45
Our price: $399.35
Your wishes
Dozen Pink Carnations Fruit Gift Basket #6 Dozen pink roses
Medium Teddy Bear Mixed Roses in a Round Black Box Bouquet white and pink tulips

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